日本財団 図書館


preceding two paragraphs, in accordance with the provisions in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


4. The owner or the occupant of any of the structures under the preceding two paragraphs shall not have the right to impede or prevent the installation of aeronautical obstruction lights by the aerodrome provider or the Minister of Transport under these provisions.


5. The Minister of Transport and any person who has installed aeronautical obstruction lights under the provisions of paragraphs 1 or 2 shall administer the aeronautical obstruction lights concerned in accordance with methods specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


6. The Minister of Transport may order the provider of aeronautical obstruction lights under the provisions of paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 to take necessary measures for improving the facilities and any other, when the administration of aeronautical obstruction lights by the said provider is considered to not conform to Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


(Daytime Obstruction Markings)
Article 51-(2). Any person who installs a chimney, steel tower or other structure specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport which is considered difficult to perceive from aircraft in the light of day and is also at the height of more than 60 meters above the ground or the water, shall install daytime obstruction markings upon such structure in accordance with the provisions in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


2. The Minister of Transport shall provide for the installation of daytime obstruction markings on structures which may seriously impede the safe operation of aircraft, other than those specified for installation of daytime obstruction markings under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in accordance with the provision in Ordinance of the Ministry of Transport.


3. The provisions of the preceding Article paragraphs 4 through 6 shall apply accordingly to daytime obstruction markings.


(Restrictions on Similar Lights)
Article 52. No person shall install such lights which are likely to impede a clear view of the aeronautical lights or which may possibly be mistaken for aeronautical lights (hereinafter referred to as "similar lights").


2. The Minister of Transport may order the provider of any similar lights to adopt specific measures within a specified period to screen off the lights concerned





